Common Cause v. Rucho
By Leland Ware, Louis L. Redding Chair and Professor of Law, University of Delaware

In North Carolina, as in many Southern states, there is a
strong correlation between African Americans and Democratic voters. Using the
racial data Republicans packed Democratic voters into fewer districts. A lawsuit
against that plan argued that the Republican maps had actually intended to
dilute black votes. A federal court struck the plan down in 2016. That ruling
was affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court.
District lines were subsequently redrawn using partisanship
as the primary criterion for the new maps. The legislative defendants did not
dispute that the General Assembly intended for the 2016 Plan to favor
supporters of Republican candidates and disfavor supporters of non-Republican
candidates. The challengers argued that the plan violated the Equal Protection
Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment because it discriminated against
non-Republican voters, the First Amendment, because it discriminated against
voters based on political expression and Article I, because it interfered with
the right of the people to elect their representatives.
The Court held that a partisan gerrymander that is intended
to and likely has the effect of entrenching a political party in power
undermines the ability of voters to effect change when they see legislative
action as infringing on their rights. The plaintiffs used statistical models to
demonstrate how slanted the plan was. They focused on the “efficiency gap”
which is the difference between the parties’ wasted votes in an election,
divided by the total number of votes cast. If the efficiency gap is large
enough (7% or higher), one party can hold a systematic advantage.
The calculation requires
totaling, for each party, the number of votes cast for the losing candidates in
district races along with the number of votes cast for the winning candidates
in excess of the 50% plus one votes necessary to secure the candidate's
victory. The resulting figure is the total number of "wasted" votes
for each party.
Wasted votes come in two forms: lost votes cast for candidates who
are defeated and surplus votes cast for winning candidates
in excess of what they needed to prevail. When a party gerrymanders a state, it
tries to maximize the wasted votes for the opposing party while minimizing its
own votes. This produces a large efficiency gap. In a state with perfect
partisan symmetry, both parties would have the same number of wasted votes.
When districts are gerrymandered voters don’t pick their
elected officials; politicians pick their voters. This is not how a democracy
is supposed to operate. In this case the Court held that the evidence proved that
the General Assembly had an intent to subordinate the interests of
non-Republican voters and entrench Republican domination of the state’s
congressional delegation. The judges granted the General Assembly another
chance to draw maps, but gave them until January 29th to submit a plan.
Stay tuned. In October of 2017, the Supreme Court heard arguments
in a case involving a state legislative map in Wisconsin that was invalidated
for unduly favoring Republicans. The Court has agreed to consider a lawsuit
filed by Republicans over a Maryland congressional district drawn by the
Democratic legislature. A decision in the Wisconsin case is expected by June.