With the Presidency and the
Congress in the hands of a single party for the first time in several years, Congress
in 1977 enacted the Omnibus Judgeship Act, which created 152 new federal
judgeships, which resulted the largest one-shot increase in the nation’s
history up to that time. The Act also empowered
the Administration to establish “standards and guidelines” for choosing federal
district judges, including a guideline that urged the appointment of more
African-American and female judges.
While the Justice Department emphasized that the Act merely established “guidelines,”
the President urged individual Senators to set up merit selection commissions,
and the Office of White House Counsel was fairly aggressive in urging the consideration
of candidates from diverse backgrounds.
President Carter was
ultimately called upon to fill six positions on the Northern District of
Georgia, and there was considerable public involvement in the discussions
leading to the filling of these positions.
In 1978, the Executive
Committee of Atlanta’s Gate City Bar Association spent considerable effort raising
awareness about the total lack of African-American federal judges in the Deep
South, and the suggestion soon began to take hold that at least one of the Atlanta
appointees should be an African-American.
The Presidents of the Gate City Bar Association and the Georgia Conference
of Black Lawyers traveled to Washington to meet with Deputy Attorney
General Michael Eagan who, within the Justice Department, had the responsibility for
coordinating the judicial selection process.
In this meeting, Egan felt the need to look
outside the Northern District of Georgia for qualified candidates, suggesting
that the President of the Georgia Conference should relocate to Atlanta from
Augusta, or that a prominent State Representative should relocate to Atlanta
from Savannah. Among Atlanta’s majority
bar, there was considerable sentiment that one of the appointees should be
African-American, and that that the appointment should go to one of the very few
African-American partners in a majority law firm.
Among community-based groups
within the African American community there was considerable feeling that,
because the community was so highly diverse, there should be more than one
African-American appointee. Moreover,
prevailing community-based sentiment was that the appointees should be
individuals who had paid their “dues” by serving the community. Many who shared this sentiment urged the appointment
of Horace T. Ward. Ward had been the
first plaintiff to challenge segregation at the University of Georgia, had been
part of the legal team that brought an end to that segregation, and had been
part of the legal team which brought an end to the all-white jury pools that
existed in some Georgia counties. He had
been the First African-American to serve on what was then called the Civil
Court of Fulton County, and the first African-American to serve on the Superior
Court of Fulton County. He was known to
agonize over sentencing decisions and, among all of his colleagues on the Fulton
Superior Court, he had the lowest reversal rate. He had been the second African-American to
serve in the Georgia State Senate since reconstruction, and one of his State Senate
colleagues was now President of the United States.
Both of Georgia’s Senators frequently
reached out to members of the community to gauge community sentiment with
respect to these judicial appointments, either directly or through members of their
respective staffs (including Curtis Atkinson from the staff of Senior Senator
Herman Talmadge, and Tommy Dortch from the staff of Junior Senator Sam Nunn).
Senator Talmadge had served as Governor at the time of Horace Ward’s unsuccessful application
to the University of Georgia. In a
meeting with the President of the Gate City Bar Association, Senator Talmadge
made it clear that he and Judge Ward had some "unfinished business" to take care
of, and that the pending judicial appointments presented a suitable opportunity
to take care of it.
In 1979, Atlanta hosted a meeting of the National Bar Association's Judicial Council, which was then chaired by Judge Ward. The luncheon speaker for the meeting was the American Bar Association's Immediate Past President William B. Spann, Jr., who took the occasion to urge the appointment of Judge Ward to the federal district court in Atlanta.
Later that year, Judge Ward became
the only person of color to be nominated and confirmed to Georgia’s federal
courts under President Carter. In the neighboring
State of Alabama, President Carter appointed two judges of color.
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