By Julianne Malveaux

It was unfortunate that Dr. Dorothy I. Height, who at 97 doesn’t let much stop her, wasn’t able to make the meeting because of the weather. It was puzzling to see the National Action Network’s Rev. Al Sharpton included in the meeting, as I’m not sure that the NAN has done work on employment and unemployment, though Sharpton has been an effective spokesman on race matters. Still, the NAN is not an organization of the stature of the NAACP or Urban League. If another leader might have been included, it should have been the Rev. Jesse Jackson, leader of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, or a labor leader like Bill Lucy of AFSCME and the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists. And it is unfortunate that Dr. Height could not send an NCNW representative so that African American women would be represented in the conversation. I quibble. I’m glad the meeting took place.
After indicating that he is the President of “all” Americans, I wondered whether President Obama would ever meet with African American leaders. I do hope they shared the devastating impact unemployment has had on the African American community. Our unemployment rate is not 9.7 percent, as the overall rate is. It is not the 16.7 percent that is officially reported. According to my own calculations, the black unemployment rate is at least 28.7 percent. Would such a rate be acceptable if “all” Americans were experiencing it?
The visual of black leaders leaving the White House reminded me of the tortured history of African Americans with White House leaders. In the nineteenth century, only two African Americans visited the white House in a non-service capacity. President Lincoln signed Sojourner Truth’s autograph book when she visited the White House, and President Rutherford Hayes invited Frederick Douglas to the White House for a conversation.
President Theodore Roosevelt had Booker T. Washington as a dinner guest on October 16, 1

President Woodrow Wilson, for all his academic acumen, was extremely hostile to African American peo

One might think that with an African American man in the White House, there is no need for African American leaders to clamor for regular attention from this President. But African American leaders should not take President Obama for granted and assume that, because of his race, he will pay special attention to black issues. He should not. Instead, African American leaders must be as insistent with this President as they would with any other. And indeed, they must look back to the history of the kitchen cabinet to develop a relationship with President Obama that provides him with regular input about African American issues, just as he is gaining information about labor issues, women’s issues, gay and lesbian issues, Latino issues, and other issues. All of these groups, I believe, have had meetings with our President. Why not African Americans?
Hopefully, last week’s meeting will be the first of many. And, hopefully, beyond meetings, work will be done both to lower the unemployment rate and close the black/white unemployment gap.

Dr. Julianne Malveaux is an economist, author and commentator and the fifteenth President of Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, North Carolina. She can be reached at