By Leland Ware

In 2011 Texas enacted Senate
Bill 14 (“SB 14”), which required individuals to present one of several forms
of photo identification to vote. Texas implemented SB 14 by requiring voters to
present: (1) a Texas driver’s license or personal identification card issued by
the Department of Public Safety (“DPS”); (2) a U.S. military identification
card with a photograph; (3) a U.S. citizenship certificate with a photo; (4) a
U.S. passport: (5) a license to carry a concealed handgun issued by DPS: or (6)
an Election Identification Certificate (“EIC”) issued by DPS.
To secure an EIC Texas
residents are required to present either: (A) one form of primary ID, (B) two
forms of secondary ID, or (C) one form of secondary ID and two pieces of
supporting identification. This meant that any application for an EIC required
either a Texas driver’s license or personal identification card or one of the
following documents, accompanied by two forms of supporting identification: (1)
an original or certified copy of a birth certificate from the appropriate state
agency; (2) an original or certified copy of a United States Department of
State Certification of Birth for a U.S. citizen born abroad; (3) U.S.
citizenship or naturalization papers without a photo; or (4) an original or
certified copy of a court order containing the person’s name and date of birth
and indicating an official change of name and/or gender.
A civil Action was filed
challenging the constitutionality of the Texas law. The plaintiffs also alleged
that SB 14 violates the Voting Rights Act.
After the conclusion of a trial, the district court held that SB 14
imposed an unconstitutional burden on the right to vote under the First and
Fourteenth Amendments, had an discriminatory effect on Hispanics and African Americans
under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, and was enacted with a discriminatory
purpose in violation of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments and Section 2.
The trial court also held that SB 14 created a poll tax that violated the
Fourteenth and Twenty-Fourth Amendments.
Texas appealed that
decision and a panel of the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed in
part, vacated in part, and remanded the case for further findings. Texas
responded with a petition to rehear the case en banc. The Court of Appeals granted the request. After the
hearing, the Fifth Circuit affirmed the trial court’s decision on the
discriminatory effect issue as a violation of Section 2 of the Voting Rights
Act. On the discriminatory intent question, the Fifth Circuit found that some
of the trial court’s findings were flawed, but it also stated the record
contained evidence that could support a finding of discriminatory intent. As a
consequence, the Court remanded the discriminatory intent issue to the district
court to reconsider its decision.
The plaintiffs also argued
that SB 14 unconstitutionally burdened their right to vote in violation of the
First and Fourteenth Amendments. The Fifth Circuit declined to decide this
question relying on the principle that courts should not decide a
constitutional question if there is some other ground on which to decide of the
To avoid any disruption
of the upcoming election, the Fifth Circuit directed the district court to
fashion interim redress for the discriminatory effect violation in the months
leading up to the November 2016 general election.
Veasey v. Abbott is a major victory that gives
civil rights advocates a crucial remedy in advance of the 2016 election. The
new wave of voter ID laws harken back to the Reconstruction era when African
Americans in the South were completely disenfranchised. Six of the 16 states
that enacted voter ID laws since 2010 have a documented history of
discriminating against minority voters. All but one of those states’ laws were
put in place after the Supreme Court overturned a key provision of the
Voting Rights Act that required them to seek approval from the Justice
Department for any voting law changes.
All of the recent Voter
ID laws were sponsored by Republicans and passed overwhelmingly by Republican dominated
legislatures. A conservative U.S. circuit judge, Richard Posner, called the
expressed concern about voter fraud “a mere fig leaf” and the laws instead
“appear to be aimed at limiting voting by minorities, particularly blacks.”
Posner also stated “there is only one motivation for imposing burdens on voting
that are ostensibly designed to discourage voter-impersonation fraud…and that
is to discourage voting by persons likely to vote against the party responsible
for imposing the burdens.” This is clearly the case with voter ID laws. The Republican
lawmakers’ motives are the same as those of the white supremacist legislators
during the Reconstruction era--disenfranchising minority voters.
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